Android tabs-bottom does not work in android

Dear sir,
I have used tabs-bottom. In ios it works nice. but in android it does not work rather tabs shown on top.

Please help me to fixed tabs on buttom in android. My tabs code…

            <ion-tab title="Branch Locations" icon="ion-home">
            <ion-nav-view >
              <ion-content class="padding">
              <p>Branch Location</p>
         <ion-tab title="ATM Locations" icon="ion-navigate">
            <ion-nav-view >
              <ion-content class="padding">
              <p>ATM Location</p>


There is a global setting to force IOS layout also on android:

Check out:$ionicConfigProvider/


Hai, i was getting the same problem, but i solved it with an style. i had to use style because ionic is getting trouble with some class, they are overwritting your class that defines your tabs.

Try this:

.tabs-top > .tabs, .tabs.tabs-top { top: 44px; }

i didn´t create the "top:44px ", it´s already there but you have another class that is overwritting that one with 0px;

just use that style that i gave you :smiley: