This has been asked and answered a ton of times, I have searched around, however none of the solutions seem to apply here.
The was working fine until yesterday, when Android Studio prompted for updates, which I did. Now android builds don’t work, however ANDROID_HOME is set, and it’s correct.
This is on Mac btw.
My ~/.bash_profile
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/mbeckett/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
I can see that ANDROID_HOME is set correctly
Matts-MacBook-Pro-2:wtm mbeckett$ echo $ANDROID_HOME
and that path is correct because it’s listed as the path in Android Studio, and also via command line:
Matts-MacBook-Pro-2:wtm mbeckett$ cd /Users/mbeckett/Library/Android/sdk/
.knownPackages add-ons/ emulator/ licenses/ platform-tools/ samples/ sources/ temp/
SDK Readme.txt build-tools/ extras/ patcher/ platforms/ skins/ system-images/ tools/
So what’s going on here? I even (despite my best judgement) set all file permissions to 777 in case it just wasn’t able to read the files for some reason. So what’s missing here?