Android pwa app not updating on change

I have converted my vue pwa to android project with capacitor.

Whenever i make any change on my vue-pwa project, i run the following command to update my android project

npm run build
npx cap copy
npx cap open android

I can see code changed in the files. But the emulator does not update. I have to run npx cap init and provide new app name and ID, only then i get the changes in the emulator.

Example, i used backend url ‘/abc’ in my vue code. Converted to android project and in the file js/chunk-vendors.c5fb1f1e.js and js/ i can see the code.

Then i change url to ‘/def’, run the above commands and can see the new url in the files js/chunk-vendors.c5fb1f1e.js and js/ . But when i run emulator it is still using the url ‘/abc’.

I tried to solve this by cleaning project, rebuild project. Even if i delete my android project and regenerate with capacitor using the previous app name and id, i still get the same url /abc .

So each time i change my vue code, i am generating new app with new name ID to see the changes, Please help. I have almost no experience in android development.

I followed this instruction but could not solve my problem.