I am at Android Studio 2.3.3, at this moment the problem is with Support revision 27.0.0, if some plugin require AppCompat wiht + operator, it will install latest revision with a values.xml file that contains the tag:
After build, the file is ‘platforms\android\build\intermediates\exploded-aar\com.android.support\support-compat\27.0.0\res\values\values.xml’
and the code that is causing the issue is (line 7):
<declare-styleable name="FontFamily"><attr format="string" name="fontProviderAuthority"/><attr format="string" name="fontProviderPackage"/><attr format="string" name="fontProviderQuery"/><attr format="reference" name="fontProviderCerts"/><attr name="fontProviderFetchStrategy">
<enum name="blocking" value="0"/>
<enum name="async" value="1"/>
</attr><attr format="integer" name="fontProviderFetchTimeout">
<enum name="forever" value="-1"/>
<declare-styleable name="FontFamilyFont"><attr name="fontStyle">
<enum name="normal" value="0"/>
<enum name="italic" value="1"/>
</attr><attr format="reference" name="font"/><attr format="integer" name="fontWeight"/><attr name="android:fontStyle"/><attr name="android:font"/><attr name="android:fontWeight"/></declare-styleable>
I am trying to fix the version of appcompat in my project.properties file inside android platform project.
That is very strange because the file seems not well idented, maybe someone dropped this code in the file by mistake.