I am using ionic appflow for building my android cordova app in release mode. The build completes successfully but the apk is signed with the “Android Debug” certificate instead of the certificate in security profile. I see the following logs. The build command looks fine (alias is matching with security profile). I am not sure why it says “Signing non-release-apk”. Any help is appreciated.
| Build Summary |
| Job ID | 6730165 |
| Node.js version | v10.17.0 |
| Cordova CLI version | 9.0.3 (cordova-lib@9.0.2) |
| npm version | 6.11.3 |
[22:32:28]: $ cordova build android --release – --keystore=android.keystore --storePassword=***** --alias=**** --password=*****
[22:34:48]: ▸ #INFO [2019-12-10 22:34:48]: Instrumentation completed - Instrumented APK: /builds/project-0/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release/dist/app-release.apk
[22:34:48]: ▸ #INFO [2019-12-10 22:34:48]: Zipaligning completed - Instrumented and zipaligned APK: /builds/project-0/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release/dist/app-release-zipaligned.apk
[22:34:48]: ▸ #INFO [2019-12-10 22:34:48]: Signing non-release APK …