Align title in ion-view

Hello, I recently entered the community, but since I’ve been playing with ionic arming some things. I have a question about a title align left or right, then use the navigation. I take as an example the following:

On line 54 loads a new view after pressing a button, I would like to align the title of this new view but left, probe with (align-title = “left”) but did not work, as anyone knows. Excuse my english.

Thanks !!!

Hey there. Seems that this is an issue, going to open an issue for this. Thanks for catching this!

Oh, wow. Ok, I will be pending the solution. Thanks!!.

Any news for this problem?

i have nearly the same problem. in ios the title is centered, in android it is left. i would like to have it always in the center. align-title=“center” is not working here :confused:

i use now

    <ion-view view-title="TEST">
        <ion-nav-bar class="bar-positive" align-title="center">
            <ion-nav-buttons  side="left">
                <button class="button" ng-click="clickButton()">
                    Button 1
            <ion-nav-buttons  side="right">
                <i class="button-icon icon ion-loading-a" ng-show="loader.loading"></i>

this is working for me

+1 for me too. I’d love to see Ionic add support for something like the following, to allow for control of the alignment on titles on a per-view basis, without having to recreate the <ion-nav-bar>:

<ion-view view-title="Title" align-title="center">