Adding new assets to ionic project

I am new to ionic framework and trying out some samples.

I added a new .jpg under www–>img folder. When I run the project in a web browser using ionic serve command, I could see the .jpg rendering in the browser but when I run ionic emulate android command, the .jpg is not rendering, it seems to be broken.

Any idea how to resolve this.


Hi dharma

You need to rebuild to project with

ionic build <platform>



Hi Patrick,

I tried that but still t he .jpg is not rendering in the emulator.

Please find the attached screen shot.



A similar issue was discussed a while ago. Check it out: Images from image tag not loading in iOS emulator

Once you add the assets to your folder www/img be sure you include it in your project using this:

<img ng-src="img/picture.png" width="80">

Make sure there is no / before the src url. This fixed it for me.

Once you do this be sure to rebuild your app as @patrickdu mentioned. In your case substitute <platform> with android

Hope this helps.

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Hi dharma

Can you look in the folder /platforms/android/www if you can find the same asset.



Hi @dharma,

please check -

may be you will get solution.

@tjflamezz - thanks for your suggestion. That worked for me. I replaced src with ng-src and made sure there is no / before the ng-src url


This fix doesn’t work for me!! [Android Lollipop]