Adding images in line on textarea

Hello guys,
I am trying to achieve something similar to this in ionic:
I was wondering if there are any packages or suggestions to creating that toolbar at the bottom over maybe the keyboard or something and be able to upload images and show them inline on a textarea like shown in the image.

Any suggestions? We are using ionic 3


can anyone redirect me to anything I can use for this?

Placing images in an ion-card has allowed me some flexibility in what I do with those images. You can use the card header, card-content, and a custom footer in tandem to achieve the above example.


Like so

Hi @Andy1, I was trying to figure it out using rich editors but it’s not working properly. Especially because they are base on contenteditable divs.

Justin (Support Engineer from Ionic Team) says that it is not recommended to use contenteditable divs. Source:

Did you find any solution? Im also working on that.
