Adding a label between two datetime input

I am trying to add a label between two datetime element, but the label always goes to the left before the first datetime input.

    <ion-datetime displayFormat="YYYY-MM-DD" placeholder="Start"></ion-datetime>
      <span style="display: inline-block;vertical-align: middle;">To</span>
    <ion-datetime displayFormat="YYYY-MM-DD" placeholder="End"></ion-datetime>


ion-datetime { 
  color: #387ef5; 
  button { 
    position: relative !important; } 
 .datetime-text { 
    overflow: visible; } 
  flex: 2; }

i suggest you to use row column concept

<ion-col col-5>
    <ion-datetime displayFormat="YYYY-MM-DD" placeholder="Start"></ion-datetime>
<ion-col col-2>To</ion-col>
<ion-col col-5>
    <ion-datetime displayFormat="YYYY-MM-DD" placeholder="End"></ion-datetime>

The labels are not properly shown when I used columns and rows. Capture


here are the basics… you can style the rest

  <ion-row item-content>
      <ion-datetime displayFormat="YYYY-MM-DD" placeholder="Start"></ion-datetime>
      <ion-datetime displayFormat="YYYY-MM-DD" placeholder="End"></ion-datetime>

The label just disappeared after I selected time. It does not change if I change the size of the column or the size of datetime element33(This is the screenshot from the mobile emulator)

it is going to be a challange to get all that content one line with the labels on a small mobile device, but it really is a styling exercise from here