Add button color based on conditon

Just I need to add two different color button but the button need to show color based on the web-service response if status= “open” green button if status= "closed red button

<a class="button icon button-block button-calm icon-right ion-android-arrow-dropright-circle" href="#" ng-repeat= "file in file">File Ref No:{{file.num}}<br> Description:{{file.descript}}<br> Status:{{file.status}}</a><br>

Define 2 classes and switch using ng-class.

Also you’d better use SASS to define a class that would combine “button icon button-block button-calm icon-right ion-android-arrow-dropright-circle” so that you have a semantic CSS class rather than an enumeration of technical classes.

hi i got a solution,
thank you

<a class="button icon button-block icon-right ion-android-arrow-dropright-circle" href="#" ng-repeat= "file in file" ng-class="{'button-balanced': status == 'open', 'button-assertive': status == 'close'}">

working perfect