Activity class {io.ionic.starter/my.domain.organisation.MainActivity} does not exists

I use ionic Framework 7.1.1 with Angular and I use the Studio Code Editor.
With Studio Code Editor I replaced all “io.ionic.starter” appearance with “my.domain.organisation”.
If I run my app with ionic serve than everything works fine.
After I build the android app with

  1. npx cap sync
  2. npm run build
  3. npx ionic capacitor sync android

and than install the app over Android Studio at physical device, I get the following error:

Error running app: Activity class {io.ionic.starter/my.domain.organisation.MainActivity} does not exists in Android Studio.
The strange thing is that the app works fine on physical device.
What can I do in order to solve this error?
Thanks a lot

Check out this post to make sure you updated all the spots - Change application name on android platform - #2 by twestrick

Thanks for your answer!
Yes. I did it at all spots. Maybe It is an Android Studio issue.
Because if I install it on physical device all works fine - maybe I can ignore it - I have no idea of this issue.

Try a Clean/Rebuild and invalidate Cache - Troubleshooting Android Issues | Capacitor Documentation