ActionSheet buttons fires multiple time

I’m using Ionic 2 RC4 . When I’m using (click) event, this fires multiple times the same event…
Now… I replaced (click) with (tap)… but in the ActionSheet ? Is there a way ?

Thanks !

Can you explain a bit more?
What code are you using?

I’m using Ionic 2 code example about ActionSheet … but in all my project it’s seem that all Ng-click events fires multiple time … it’s very strange … any idea ?
Ah ! It happens only with iOS device … no with browser

me, too…
ionic2 using version rc4
clicking event happens twice… only ios, android is clear
btn-facebook button is clicked, console.log(‘### call ###)’ called twice…
is there a way to replace it?

used html code :

    <button ion-button icon-only class="btn-facebook" (click)="signWithFacebook()" tappable>
        <img src="assets/facebook.png">
private signWithFacebook() {
    console.log('### call ###');
    Facebook.getLoginStatus().then((value) => {
      if (value.status == 'connected') {
      } else {
        Facebook.login(['public_profile', 'email']).then((result) => {
          if (result.status === 'connected') {