Accessing scope from ion-view title

In my template, I’m using code like this:

<ion-view view-title="{{user.nickname}}">

But if I fill nickname property of user object with value, nothing is being shown in the header.
Seem like I can’t access scope from ion-view directive.

And I mean beta v 14.

Can you reproduce this in a codepen? In this codepen I made it is using the scope defined variable and if you click the button it changes the title:

As of beta 14 I’ve found that adding data inside of directive attributes like that has been buggy. What seems to work better for this is to place it inside of an <ion-nav-title> tag like this:


Actually you can, In my project I used it like this:

<ion-view title='{{}}'>

this has solved the problem

If the value set inicial in controller, without any processing, show in the title. But if it is obtained after consulting a service, it is not updated. With the same procedure without problem list is updated.


.controller('RankingMenuCtrl', ['$scope', '$stateParams', 'RankingServ', 'AuthServ',
    function ($scope, $stateParams, RankingServ, AuthServ) {
        $scope.titulo = 'inicial';
        $scope.opciones = {};
        var dato_config = {};
       dato_config     = AuthServ.getConfig();
        var divId            = $stateParams.divId;
        var categoria        = dato_config.categoria.toLowerCase();
        RankingServ.getConfig(categoria).then(function (datosRanking) {
                var datosPorDiv     = RankingServ.getDatosByDiv(datosRanking, divId);
                $scope.titulo     = datosPorDiv.division+'  División';
                $scope.opciones = datosPorDiv.opciones;

<ion-view title="{{titulo}}">
          <ion-item ng-repeat="opcion in opciones" 
                    href="#/{{opcion.url}}" >
                <i class="icon ion-ios-arrow-forward energized"></i> 
        <br />

When running, the title is seen as “initial” and then in paragraph

is correctly updated “… Division”

Use: ionic-nightly1154. Something wrong?