just tried to run a build today and ran into this issue. I initially didn’t do any updates or anything, just tried to run a build.
C:\Users*****.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\appcompat-v7-26.1.0.aar\1f8a271632158355256c8b823247a330\res\values\values.xml:246:5-69: AAPT: error: resource android:attr/fontVariationSettings not found.
C:\Users*****.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\appcompat-v7-26.1.0.aar\1f8a271632158355256c8b823247a330\res\values\values.xml:246:5-69: AAPT: error: resource android:attr/ttcIndex not found.
*****\platforms\android\app\build\intermediates\incremental\mergeDebugResources\merged.dir\values\values.xml:231: error: resource android:attr/fontVariationSettings not found.
*****\platforms\android\app\build\intermediates\incremental\mergeDebugResources\merged.dir\values\values.xml:231: error: resource android:attr/ttcIndex not found.
error: failed linking references.Failed to execute aapt
com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: Failed to execute aapt
I’ve spent the past day looking around for ideas on what I’m supposed to do to fix it. I’ve tried updating cordova, updating some plugins, removing/cleaning the android platform and I can’t seem to figure out what exactly is causing the issue (I’ve been going between this error and a Merge error with appcompat and something called androidX).
From what I can gather fontVariationSettings was introduced in the android v28 API but I’m not too sure what exactly is happening or why this issue is happening now.
I have a feeling my environment in general is a little messed up now from updating/reverting things but this is what I’m at now:
ionic info:
cli packages: (C:\Users*****\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules)
@ionic/cli-utils : 1.19.2 ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.20.0
global packages:
cordova (Cordova CLI) : 7.1.0
local packages:
@ionic/app-scripts : 3.1.9 Cordova Platforms : android 7.0.0 Ionic Framework : ionic-angular 3.9.2
Android SDK Tools : 26.1.1 Node : v8.9.4 npm : 5.6.0 OS : Windows 10
Environment Variables:
ANDROID_HOME : C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
backend : pro
cordova-plugin-camera 2.4.1 “Camera”
cordova-plugin-compat 1.2.0 “Compat”
cordova-plugin-datepicker 0.9.3 “DatePicker”
cordova-plugin-device 1.1.7 “Device”
cordova-plugin-file 6.0.1 “File”
cordova-plugin-file-opener2 2.0.19 “File Opener2”
cordova-plugin-file-transfer 1.7.1 “File Transfer”
cordova-plugin-filechooser 1.0.1 “File Chooser”
cordova-plugin-filepath 1.0.2 “FilePath”
cordova-plugin-geolocation 4.0.1 “Geolocation”
cordova-plugin-google-analytics 1.8.3 “Google Universal Analytics Plugin”
cordova-plugin-inappbrowser 1.7.2 “InAppBrowser”
cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 1.2.1 “cordova-plugin-ionic-webview”
cordova-plugin-ionic-wkkeyboard 1.1.15 “cordova-plugin-ionic-wkkeyboard”
cordova-plugin-network-information 1.3.4 “Network Information”
cordova-plugin-splashscreen 4.1.0 “Splashscreen”
cordova-plugin-statusbar 2.4.2 “StatusBar”
cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.3.3 “Whitelist”
cordova-sqlite-storage 2.3.1 “Cordova sqlite storage plugin”