A problem occurred configuring root project 'android'. Android flavors?

Hi, I’ve just created a new project based on the conference template.

When I attempt to do a ionic cordova emulate android I am getting the following error:

A problem occurred configuring root project ‘android’.

All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. Learn more at Cómo configurar variantes de compilación  |  Android Studio  |  Android Developers

Does anyone know what this means?

facing the same issue…did u find a solution?

I have the same issue. Any solution?

No, I haven’t found a solution yet. Maybe this is something for us to put on GitHub as an issue. The example projects should work out of the box.

I found this on stackoverflow:

and adding flavorDimensions “default” i don’t have the same issue;
now i have a Error converting byte to dex