Upload base64 image to php server

Hi bwasnie1,

It seems the guy did not find a solution, but it gave me an idea when reading the post.

I looked into the error from the web server (I am using BOA) and found this: - - [14/Jan/2015:18:06:58 +0000] request “(null)” ("(null)"): Header too long at 1028 bytes: "POST /cgi-bin/php/spus.php?action=saveLocationPict…

I also noticed all the forward slash became “%2F” from my base64 string. I don’t think it is the issue though.

I said to myself that maybe it is a configuration in my web server that is not correct.

One field is called “SinglePostLimit: The maximum allowable number of bytes in a single POST.”. This one is already set to 10MB.

Do you have other suggestions that come into your mind?
