Ionic-datepicker Bower component for Ionic framework applications

I use the ipObj1 variable and put in a new variable but it doesnt show in my input field…

$scope.openDatePicker = function(){

@anicacute09, please check the demo. Displaying on the page is nothing related to the component. What the component, do is, it will give the selected date to the callback function. Once you get the callback function, you can use it to show it on the UI, by assigning the returned date to some $scope variable.

Hi Everyone, i am trying to list all the ionic framework plugins in a single location, where you can find all the plugins for ionic framework. I had wasted so much of time while i am trying to find a plugin for ionic. I thought it would be helpful for the people, who wants to see the list of ionic plugins at one location. I have added as many as i can. If you feel that i missed any plugin, please feel free to make a PR or raise an issue with the details of the plugin.

Here you can find the list of all ionic plugins

This looks great btw, good work. I am working with Ionic Creator at the minute and would like to use this picker - is there any way that I can add to the framework as if you want to work with Creator, you cannot download and install packages?

I tried to link to the raw github min bundle js but there are dependency errors as I assume that the --install is also setting providers and dependencies (new to Ionic!) listed in the src directory



I haven’t played much with creator. But i didn’t get how you are trying to show this plugin in creator. Could you please add a few screenshots?

Thanks for the reply - sure this is what I tried (I’m new to Ionic & Creator so this may not be right)

Add the min.js as external js

Add in the dependency

Then add the code inot the controller

But you get dependency errrors

Guess Im missing more depencies like services?



I didn’t played much with ionic creator. May be you can try adding the file in your local project folder and give it a try.

Hi !

My problem is that in html {{date}} scope value is, why show the time (but this is wrong)?
and if i choose a day, example 2016-11-25, then scope value on the picture 2016-11-24.

$scope.datum = new Date(val).toLocaleDateString();

Hi @rajeshwarpatlolla how can I default the select date with the one I already selected(show in input/button) ?? it always default to new Date…

Hi @anicacute09, you can pass the already selected date to this datepicker to the inputDate property. Please take a look at the documentation once again. You will be able to get it more clear.

thanks for the reply, I am doing it right now but my problem was if I pass the val into a variable it doesnt accept by inputDate config…

do you mind help me with this? when I pass the new Date(val); to inputDate it doesn’t have a time so eventually the code makes an error all I can have is this time 00:00:00 which I think is wrong…

You should pass a date object to this component. You cannot pass some string to it.

when i change the new Date(val) to “MM-DD-YYYY” format and pass it to inputDate: new Date(var) it doesn’t works but when I use new Date(“08-16-2016”) it works. What am I missing when even my var date is the same with the “08-16-2016” format…

Ideally it should work fine for all the date formats, because we are just using the Date object for the conversions. Did you missed anything?

I really don’t know… if I pass it to the var it doesn’t work but when I normally state it as string (ex “MM-DD-YYYY” or (2016, 7, 10) ) it works…

I use this ionic-datepicker but when i select date from them and close it and when i again select date from them then previously selected date not selected . It select current date. Please provide any solution of it.

I also encounter that if I pass a variable containing(“2016, 7, 10”) it doesn’t work but if I just do this inpuDate = new Date(2016, 7, 10) it works… Don’t know what is wrong well in fact the variable is the same with the string…

You need to add the already selected date to the inputDate field when you open it for the next time.

Anyone is having issues on Android devices?
I’m using 2 datePickers with modal configuration but when I try to open the first the window open and closes fast and I have to reopen it again.

Someone else had the same problem?

Thank you very much!