Ionic-datepicker Bower component for Ionic framework applications

hi @rajeshwarpatlolla I am testing on Android device Micromax Q371.
In DatePicker In Month Name and Year Upper Border Comes there,
Looking like stricken.
Please solve that.

@thaker, This could be because of the version of android the device is using. Please use the css classes i have provided to override the stylings.

Can you give an example how to do the css styling? I can’t figure it our. thx! Great work btw! :slight_smile:

These links might help you. Setup custom css of ionic-datepicker and Issue#223

@rajeshwarpatlolla Please can you do a codepen on the best practices on the usage? Thanks

@mark2k, I have already added the required documentation in the github repository. Please take a look at it. Please read them here


Please am new to Ionic and am using the latest beta10 version of Ionic 2. When i run/install your component using

 1.   bower install ionic-datepicker --save
 2.   bower install ionic-datepicker#0.9.0 --save

What specific steps will i use to implement the datetimepicker component in an Ionic 2 app. All the links an resources i have ssen so far seem to be for Ionic 1.x versions.

Thank you.

@ventis07, this is specific to Ionic v1 only.

@rajeshwarpatlolla Thanks for your response. Do you by any chance have any idea of the datetimepicker i can use for Ionic 2. The default one that came with Ionic 2 framework looks to me very plane and am considering any/every possible customisation that one can implement. Thanks.

Hi guys. How to disable previous arrow button and next arrow button into controller.js file. Thank you so much.

The disabling functionality is based on the from and to properties you pass to the object.

Please take a look at the new version of ionic-datepicker v1.2.0 with new features and bug fixes.

Can you update your package.json version as well. Its confusing

I am getting an unknown provider error when adding ionicDatePickerProvider provider to my .config method , What is the solution ?

.config(function ($ionicConfigProvider, $stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $mdThemingProvider, $mdIconProvider, $mdColorPalette, $mdIconProvider,ionicDatePickerProvider) {
var datePickerObj = {
inputDate: new Date(),
setLabel: ‘Set’,
todayLabel: ‘Today’,
closeLabel: ‘Close’,
mondayFirst: false,
weeksList: [“S”, “M”, “T”, “W”, “T”, “F”, “S”],
monthsList: [“Jan”, “Feb”, “March”, “April”, “May”, “June”, “July”, “Aug”, “Sept”, “Oct”, “Nov”, “Dec”],
templateType: ‘popup’,
from: new Date(2012, 8, 1),
to: new Date(2018, 8, 1),
showTodayButton: true,
dateFormat: ‘dd MMMM yyyy’,
closeOnSelect: false,
disableWeekdays: [6]

Did you followed the exact steps mentioned in the documentation?

I also want to ask How can I put the date chosen to the input field? Thanks

You will get the selected date in the callback function. You can use this date to show it in the UI as you need.

is it the obj one? I can’t put it in the input field…

can you show me an example code for that? I having trouble with that one… seems I am really exhausted… Thanks…

Please refer to the demo link from the github page. You can see it there.