App Logo In Header

It worked for me. Try removing view-title from template. <ion-view view-title="Profile"> becomes <ion-view>.

This is what I did

    <ion-header-bar align-title="left">
	<img class="title header-image" src="img/home_icons_stix_query.png"></img>
	<a class="title header-text">Query Stix</a>

The ā€˜align-titleā€™ doesnā€™t actually affect anything but the image will stay within the size of the header and will mantain its aspect ratio. This works if you also rotate the screen!

is there a way to get the logo to center?

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I use <ion-view view-title="{{ logo }}">
In my controller:
$scope.logo = "<img class='logo-header' src='img/logo.png'>";

Markup generated by Ionic:

<div style="left: 50px; right: 50px;" class="title title-center header-item">
  <img class="logo-header" src="img/logo.png">

Check the classes title and title-center.

This worked for me too! Is there a way to add a link to the title image? My thought was to do something like this where I link the logo to the home page of my app:

<ion-view title='<a ui-sref="home"><img class="title-image" src="img/ldi.png" /></a>'>

But it didnā€™t work. I have also tried:

    <a ui-sref="home">
            <img src="img/ldi.png">

and it also didnā€™t work. The logo vanished.

One workaround I found was just to put the logo in the <ion-nav-buttons> tab with the <a ui-sref="home"> tag around the img.

I had a font icon to represent my logo.
I did.
<ion-nav-buttons side="left"> <button id="logoTop" class="button button-icon zmdi zmdi-phone-msg"></button> </ion-nav-buttons>

#logoTop { background-color: #093; padding: 0 3px; /* border-radius: 0 */ }

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.title-image {
    margin-top: 0px;
    height: 27px;

^ I can confirm that worked for me

I used your method and it works. Thank you!
In my case I use ionincons and I replaced button with and I gave a color to icon (because it has the same color as header and it was not visibile):

    <ion-nav-buttons side="right">
        <i class="ion-android-notifications myHeaderIcon"></i>

.myHeaderIcon {
    color: #f3f5f6;

This is Work for me ā€¦thanks @schuppo

hey @schuppo , thanksā€¦

this work for meā€¦

Worked like a charm :smile: