Android keyboard not always appearing on input focus

Has anyone else experienced problems with the Android keyboard not displaying when tapping an INPUT field?

I’m running Android 4.2.2 on Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and I don’t experience these problems when running a non-ionic phonegap app.

Any help would be really appreciated.


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hello @alanda you found any solution for this issue, i am also getting same problem for android 4.2.2

Hi @nik,

I’m still having these problems on Android 4.2.2 and may have to drop Ionic as my users have lots of these devices and the current keyboard input is unusable :frowning:

I do see some mention of keyboards on the Ionic roadmap but I’m not sure what this means or if the team knows of inherent problems with keyboard input on Android devices. If anyone can comment I’d appreciate it.


What’s the latest version of Ionic you’ve tried? There has been a lot of work before Beta and after beta on dealing with the multiple events that Android fires off.

See this for example :

Hi Calendee,

Have tried nearly every release up to and including the current v1.0.0-beta.1 “actinium” · 2014-03-25 in a hope that the latest changes would resolve the issue but the problems still exist unfortunately.


Can you give it a shot with the Nightly?

Just do this, replace your script tag with this :

<script src=""></script>

That’ll quickly get your running without needing to download anything.

If that doesn’t work, please open a GitHub issue with some sample code. I don’t have any Android devices to with but the devs do. If you can create as specific a case as possible that would really help. Even better, if you can go through the “Getting Started” process, modify one of those projects with a form that doesn’t work for you and then give the devs just the changed code that would be incredibly helpful.

In the ticket, please be sure to include details about device types and Android versions.

@Calendee thanks for getting back to me.

This has made a significant improvement but now requires me to double-tap my input fields to get the keyboard to appear. I will create a cut-down example on Codepen ASAP.

Thanks again.

I agree, I also need to double tap input fields to fire up the keyboard.
Tested on Android 2.3 only.
This is a major issue since it was alright on v0.9.27

probably my topic is related also to this one, I’m also having problems with the soft keyboard and Android.


@alanda It’s been 5 days since you tested nightlies. Can you do so again? If it is still requiring a double tap, I will open a new issue on it.

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Hi @Calendee,

I have just run the latest nightly and have the same issue on Android 4.2.2 . I tap once and the input field obtains focus and have to tap again for the keyboard to appear.

Hope you can follow up. Your help is much appreciated.


Thanks for the update.

Ive opened issue # 1134 :

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Just to let you know, this seems to happen only when overflow-scroll="false"
When overflow-scroll=“true”, the keyboard fires up normally.
Tested with the last nightly build.


I encounter this issue again, even when using nightly build. Specifically, the keyboard does not show up after the input in a popup is focused.

Here is the code snippet:

var myPopup = ${
				"<img src='" + imageURI.uri + " ' width=" + width + " heigth=" + height + " style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;'/>" +
				"<br />" +
				"<input type='text' ng-model='data.caption' overflow-scroll='true'>",
			title: 'Enter caption',
			subTitle: 'Write a nice thing to remember this',
			scope: $scope,
			buttons: [
  				{ text: 'Cancel' },
    				text: '<b>Save</b>',
    				type: 'button-positive',
    				onTap: function(e) {
      					if (!$ {
        					//don't allow the user to close unless he enters wifi password
      					} else {
        					return $;

I am testing it on Genymotion emulator running Android 4.1.1 and a Samsung Galaxy S2 running the same Android version.

@Calendee: could you please shed some light here? Or just reopen issue #1134?

Anyone else has the same problem? Please come to me.

Have you installed and configured ionic keyboard plugin?

Yes, I installed it. I called it right after the showPopup function, but nothing appears.;

And there is also no log or error.

I have the same issue with API 19 (4.4.2) Android. Neither the hardware nor the software keyboard will appear when an input field is clicked. I tried using the nightly build of ionic.bundle.js and could not get the keyboard to appear.

I was able to make it work with the latest version of Android.

Did you solve the issue yet? Please share if you come up with any solution. I am desperate trying to fix it without success for weeks.

have you tried to uninstall and reinstall the plugin?
Try to use ionic keyboard plugin.

.run(function($ionicPlatform, $rootScope, api) {

$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
if(window.StatusBar) {
// org.apache.cordova.statusbar required
