Zoom Native: Undefined symbol: MobileRTCMeetingStartParam (Ionic 5 xCode)

I’m new to ionic I’m trying to integrate the zoom sdk to my project but when i try the sample project from git hub I face these issue due to undefined symbol

For this xCode, i did try import different version of framework([5.5.12511.0421] ios Sdk download from the developer zoom (myapp), github lib folder (5.2.42037.1112) and another framwork version 5.4.54802.0124, still does not fix the issue i did embed and make sure mobilertcresources.bundle is imported)

I’m following this link tutorial on importing the sdk https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/sdk/native-sdks/iOS/getting-started/integration

This the screenshot of me enable the embed and sign for the framework

Sorry For Bad English