Write a ionic framework controller to upload multiple images to remote server


I Write an app with ionic but i can’t make form to upload multiple images to server

  • I want anyone write this controller only

Hi @MohammedSalah
I can do this as I have strong experience in Ionic/Cordova. Please provide me more details about this project. My skype is manish.osuniverse or email sales@opensourcetechnologies.com

I have very good experience in front-end and released 4 themes in ionic and done more then 5 projects in Ionic platform.


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I have 2+ years of expereince in developing Ionic Applications.

Hi Muhammad Salah,

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contact: hmasif91@gmail.com
skype: muhammad.asif7933

Hi @MohammedSalah

I can write business logic for your controller to upload multiple images to remote server. Please feel free to contact me on ionicsan46@gmail.com


Hi, I can write controller for you, did such things in my apps.
You can contact me through email - irshadgouri92@gmail.com