Wordpress_url is not defined

Hello all, please can you help me with this problem in ionic 3
import { Component } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { AlertController, Platform, NavController } from ‘ionic-angular’;
import { HttpModule , Headers } from ‘@angular/http’;

// Custom
import { Storage } from ‘@ionic/storage’;
import {HTTP } from ‘@ionic-native/http’;
import { Network } from ‘@ionic-native/network’;
import { SocialSharing } from ‘@ionic-native/social-sharing’;
import { StorageMulti } from ‘…/…/service/storage-multi.service’;
import { OneSignal } from ‘@ionic-native/onesignal’;
import { InAppBrowser } from ‘@ionic-native/in-app-browser’;
import { Config } from ‘…/…/service/config.service’;
import { Core } from ‘…/…/service/core.service’;

// Page
import { LoginPage } from ‘…/login/login’;
import { ProfilePage } from ‘…/profile/profile’;
import { OrderPage } from ‘…/order/order’;
import { FavoritePage } from ‘…/favorite/favorite’;
import { TermsPage } from ‘…/terms/terms’;
import { PrivacyPage } from ‘…/privacy/privacy’;
import { ContactPage } from ‘…/contact/contact’;
import { AboutPage } from ‘…/about/about’;
import { SearchPage } from ‘…/search/search’;
import { MyordersPage } from ‘…/myorders/myorders’;

// Pipe
import { Static } from ‘…/…/pipes/static’;
import { parseTemplate } from ‘ionic-angular/util/datetime-util’;

declare var wordpress_url: string;
const wordpress_order = wordpress_url + ‘/wp-json/wooconnector/order’;

selector: ‘page-account’,
templateUrl: ‘account.html’,
providers: [StorageMulti]
export class AccountPage {
LoginPage = LoginPage;
ProfilePage = ProfilePage;
OrderPage = OrderPage;
FavoritePage = FavoritePage;
TermsPage = TermsPage;
PrivacyPage = PrivacyPage;
ContactPage = ContactPage;
AboutPage = AboutPage;
MyordersPage = MyordersPage;
SearchPage = SearchPage;
isCache: boolean; isLogin: boolean; loadedOrder: boolean;
data: any = {};

	private storage: Storage,
	private storageMul: StorageMulti,
	private alertCtrl: AlertController,
	private platform: Platform,
	private HTTP: HTTP,
	private navCtrl: NavController,
	private config: Config,
	private SocialSharing: SocialSharing,
	private OneSignal: OneSignal,
	private InAppBrowser: InAppBrowser,
	private core: Core
) {
ionViewDidEnter() {
	if (this.isCache) this.getData();
	else this.isCache = true;
getData() {
	this.storageMul.get(['login', 'user']).then(val => {
		if (val) {
			if (val["login"] && val["login"]["token"]) {
				this.data["login"] = val["login"];
				this.isLogin = true;
				this.data['order'] = 0;
				let params = { post_num_page: 1, post_per_page: 1000 };
				this.loadedOrder = false;
				let loadOrder = () => {
					let headers = new Headers();
					headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
					headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + this.data["login"]["token"]);
        this.http.get(wordpress_order + '/getorderbyterm', {
          headers: headers,
          search: this.core.objectToURLParams(params)
        }).subscribe(res => {
						if (Array.isArray(res.json())) this.data['order'] += res.json().length;
						if (res.json().length == 1000) {
						} else this.loadedOrder = true;
			if (val["user"]) this.data["user"] = val["user"];
	this.storageMul.get(['favorite', 'notification', 'text'])
		.then(val => {
			if (val) {
				if (val["favorite"]) this.data["favorite"] = Object.keys(val["favorite"]).length;
				if (val["notification"] != false) this.data["notification"] = true;
				else this.data["notification"] = false;
				if (val["text"]) this.data["text"] = val["text"];
				else this.data["text"] = "normal";
signOut() {
	this.translate.get('account.signout').subscribe(trans => {
		let confirm = this.alertCtrl.create({
			message: trans["message"],
			cssClass: 'alert-no-title alert-signout',
			buttons: [
					text: trans["no"],
					text: trans["yes"],
					cssClass: 'dark',
					handler: () => {
						this.data['order'] = 0;
						this.storage.remove('login').then(() => { this.isLogin = false; });
shareApp() {
	if (this.platform.is('android'))
		this.SocialSharing.share(null, null, null, new Static(this.config).transform('modern_share_rate_android'));
	else this.SocialSharing.share(null, null, null, new Static(this.config).transform('modern_share_rate_ios'));
rateApp() {
	if (this.platform.is('android')) this.InAppBrowser.create(new Static(this.config).transform('modern_share_rate_android'), "_system");
	else this.InAppBrowser.create(new Static(this.config).transform('modern_share_rate_ios'), "_system");
notification() {
	this.storage.set('notification', this.data["notification"]).then(() => {
changeTextSize() {
	this.translate.get('account.text_size').subscribe(trans => {
		let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
			title: trans["title"],
			cssClass: 'alert-text-size ' + this.data["text"]
		for (let option in trans["option"]) {
				text: trans["option"][option],
				cssClass: option,
				handler: () => { this.updateTextSize(option) }
updateTextSize(text: string) {
	this.storage.set('text', text);
	let html = document.querySelector('html');
	html.className = text;
	this.data["text"] = text;
onSwipeContent(e) {
	if (e['deltaX'] > 150) this.navCtrl.push(this.SearchPage);
myorderslk() {

let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
title: ‘access 0’,
message: ‘if you want to put post ask admin’,
buttons: [

    text: 'ask admin',
    handler: () => {
    text: 'cancel',
    role: 'cancel',
    handler: () => {
      console.log('Cancel clicked');
