WiShareNet - an ionic HotSpot with QRcode

Hello, my name is Marouan, i work for the tunisian company ng-enious.

The app simply create an AP to share you data via wifi.

But, what’s new about this ?

In order to do so, you need to create password, and share it with your friends,
imagine when you’re in public and you don’t want to say it out-loud, you want a crypted password but it’s not easy to spell …

With WiShareNet, you create an AP via a simple UI, a QRcode will be generated with the wifi configuration you entered, your friend has only to scan it, using WiShareNet, or any other qrcode scanner.


All of this thanks to Ionic Native plugins and some AngularJs dependencies.

The app is available in the play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ngenious.wisharenet

The next versions will have some improvements in the UI, and maybe some other features.
I’m looking forward for you reviews :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: How to share wifi configuration in a NDEF?