Windows Phone Support

Hi ,

Just a quick question. Does CSS transitions/animations works fine on windows phone?

As from my expirience, transitions/animations work just fine on wp 8.1 (ionic v1.0.0-rc.1).

In general everything work fine in my app, except of performance of scrolling and ion-slidebox (sliding doesn’t work). Regarding slidebox, it might be connected with touch events in IE, will investigate.

I’ve been developing for windows phone to and did a write up here

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No not all of the animations work fine, the spinners didn’t work for me. Check out my post here

Hi Sameer,
My touch and scrolling on windows phone is too laggy. i am using the same phone 1520. can you help me with that. its urgent.

Can you provide me link to the app which you are using


  1. Scrolling performance on winphone was too laggy in my case. So I used overscroll of device with help of “-ms-touch-action: pan-y” css property on list elements, which forced to use fast overscroll when scrolling them.

  2. Slidebox didn’t support IE touch events v1.0.0-rc.1. It should listen to “pointerdown” (instead of “touchstart”), “pointermove” (“touchmove”) and “pointerup” (“touchend”). So I modified ionic.views.Slider to adopt this, also with browser.isIe property which takes value from navigator.pointerEnabled.

When is ionic going to be ready to support the Windows Phone platform?

What is the current latest version of Apache Cordova that works with Ionic Framework?

What is the current latest version of Nodejs that works with Ionic Framework?

What is the current latest version of Ionic Framework?

Hello, I use overflow-scroll=“true” in my WP app to fix scrolling lags

ion-content class=“has-header” overflow-scroll=“true”

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How’s Windows 10 support coming, now it looks like v8 is licked ?

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+1 Windows phone is gaining market share in some countries. Would be great to see some plans about it. Ionic Team mention that they would start working on it when ionic v1 is released. Now that it has been, what’s the plan Ionic Team?

hello everyone
who tell me is ionic supported window 10 now

Hi…that worked…:slight_smile: thanks.thanks. I am dealing with 2 more problems
1.Touch effect stays fr a while.
2. whenever i click on back button(created on my own) my screens overlap.
when i tried to figure out, i found it was taking my click twice
any workaround?

No it didn’t.
But they have been working on the issues i’ve raised at github. You can try the latest release out in IE11 and check if it works now.

Sorry for the late response, I didn’t get notified of your message.

Hi @VeldMuijz,

I had been developing some Ionic Apps concentrating on Android platfrom and just want to port some Ionic Apps to windowsphone store as well. Could you please suggest a better windowsphone simulator/ emulator or other necessary tools for windowsphone? I got a Linux machine for dev.


So, no official news about Windows Mobile? I’m researching an hybrid framework for my next project in which I need Windows Mobile too, Ionic seemed to be the best choice but I would need Windows as well…


I’ve been playing around with a sample app and some Windows Phone support and I have had a fair bit of success with a Windows Phone 8.1 native js app and ionic’s native scrolling.
Adding the cordova platform windows actually creates a project for both Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 with a shared project between the 2.

Checkout the sample here, pretty basic but you get an idea of the scrolling performance.

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@milhouse I think Windows 10 will be a great solution and there is cordova platform support for it already

But consumers getting Windows 10 is still a little while off so I think targeting the current Universal 8.1 app model is the best way to go at the moment. This will give you about 90%-100% code reuse between the 2 platforms, as there are only a few small differences between the 2 (both are native javascript apps with the winrt APIs)

We’re after 1.0.0 release, so let me ask, if there are any news on Windows 8.1/10, support plans, time frames?

how can i copy ionic wp8 file to a windows phone smartphone? how do you setup your enviroment to build for wp8 ?