Width of the image using the% Then emit from directives slidebox is freaking

This is a sample to add a jpeg image to Slidebox.

This sample worked in firefox.
Image could not be read in Chrome.


○ Adding Images from the controller will work.
○ Add image will also work emit from the controller.

× Add image will fail in emit from directivie.

It appears when you resize the window.
The image is displayed in the lower part of the window when you add more images.
Width of the image was successful px and em.

Is unexplained.

I am not good at English.
English is studying.


I have updated the demonstration.

This is a sample image can read IE, Opera, Chrome, in Safari.

A new problem was discovered.
When width of a picture is em, there is a problem.
A display will become amusing if $emit is carried out twice from a directive.

I’m not sure I understand what the question is. Can you walk through the steps to take on your demo to point out where the problem is?

I made the movie of the demonstration.
Indication of Slide box fails in the last.
It is the cause and is missing.


width:300em , width:500px

It was settled.
It was not a problem of ionic.
It was a problem of angularjs.
The Dom operation does not know angularjs.
It is an example.

link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
element.on(‘click’,function(event) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
//your code


It was a rudimentary problem.
I’m sorry.