Why the navgationbar auto change height on ios6?

Hi ionic teams!
There have statusbar and navigationbar on ios6,but navigationbar height is 66px,why is not 44px?

This is my config.xml

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Same problem here. Unfortunately I have some clients who are still on iOS6. It looks correct for about 1/2 a second then switch to the screenshots above.

This seem to start 2 or 3 beta’s ago.

Do you solve this problem?

We are dropping support for iOS6, since apple requires all new apps to be built for ios7 and above.

With that in mind, we have removed any ios6 specific css.


Thanks.Which version of ionic best support ios6?
Is this version(driftyco/ionic-bower#1.0.0-beta.8)?

Hmm, can’t remember off the top of my head. But you are best off dropping support for ios6 since apple requires that app’s minimum version to be 7

Thank you help me resolve this problem.

This worked for me:
In your app.js , add following codes at the beginning of .ready function.

.run(function($ionicPlatform) {
  $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
        var devicePlatform = "";
        var deviceVersion = "" ;
        if( typeof device === "undefined" )
          deviceVersion = device.version;
          devicePlatform = device.platform;
        if( devicePlatform==="iOS" && deviceVersion < "7" )

This worked the same for me.I slightly modified.

        var devicePlatform = "";
        var deviceVersion = "";
        if (typeof device !== "undefined") {
            deviceVersion = device.version;
            devicePlatform = device.platform;
        if (devicePlatform === "iOS" && deviceVersion < "7") {
            ionic.Platform.fullScreen(true, true);

Is that the case already? I just submitted an application and set the minimum version to 6. I’m also still using ios 6 on my ipad because of slow performance with 7 (unrelated to ionic)

Strings are compared character by character in JS, aren’t they? So this line does not seem particulary safe and future-proof. That is: “15” < “7” would yield ‘true’, actually.

I’m using the following solution ($cordovaDevice is from ng-Cordova):

    var devicePlatform = "";
    var deviceVersion = 0;
    if (typeof device !== "undefined") {
        deviceVersion = $cordovaDevice.getVersion();
        // Extract only major and convert to integer.
        deviceVersion = parseInt(deviceVersion.substr(0, deviceVersion.indexOf('.')), 10);
        devicePlatform = $cordovaDevice.getPlatform().toLowerCase();
    if (devicePlatform === "ios" && deviceVersion < 7) {
        ionic.Platform.fullScreen(true, true);