White background shown while keyboard transitions


Basically all the keyboard plugin is doing for ionic is firing events. Ionic is listening for these events and adjusting things as the need.

For the background colour, apply it to the ion-view

I’m also encountering this issue. I have the latest ionic keyboard plugin included in my app. The scroll view recalculates properly on keyboard hide (either via tapping on the [DONE] button in the accessory bar or by tapping on the content). As the keyboard hides, it pushes the content together with the keyboard, fixing the white background.

But my scenario is when I tap on a link/button that navigates to a different state/route (with ui-sref directive for instance) in the content while the keyboard is shown, it navigates to the next state but the scroll view is not recalculated (meaning my entire content is still pushed up), although the keyboard is already hidden. Because of this there is white background where the keyboard is sitting on when it was displayed. Setting the focus to an input and closing the keyboard “properly” via [DONE] button or tapping on the content after encountering this issue, will resolve the white background.

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The whtie space happens to me on IOS.

I simply close the keyboard by clicking “Done”, and their is whitespace there for about .5s while the keyboard closes, and then it disappears

fixed, was a CSS problem with background colors as mentioned above

Android is not supported ? ? ?