Which database system is easy for back-end development for mobile app

For a typical mobile application(Ionic) which is using Rest Apis for storing user information, products,categories all user activities on app and some such these information on Back-end. which database system is recommended? also Api development should be regarded.

I’ve studied some about noSqls and some tries with mongoDB and tired to fined right DBS from CAP Theorem but really confused me.

Use what you like. I know mysql and use it without any problem

Hello @Parsian,

I really like to use Arangodb.
It’s NoSQL, really fast and you can create API easily with their Foxx microservices.

I know some (very less) about Mysql but the most important thing is developing API.

I used Mongodb and today checked arangodb today it seems thy are so similar. Th graph behind the Arangodb. was interesting I will make time to read more about.

time and fast developments is so important in this situation for me. I don’t have much of time.

I started with php and mysql. No I try expressjs and mongodb. It is realy simple to design rest api with expressjs. Try postman for testing the api. With postman you can send any kind of rest call to your api.

Could you please give a fast track guide to AramgoDB?


Dear @maligree,
Could you please give a fast track guide to AramgoDB?


Hi @rsa,

I learned using their documentations : https://www.arangodb.com/documentation/
and their tutorials : https://www.arangodb.com/tutorials/
and the community : https://www.arangodb.com/community/

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Hi @malignois I used videos to create a webservice with foxx. finally I find that I had to add priferd files to schema manually in js file that service creates.

Loopback with MongoDB are two steps ahead so many webservices are available and loopback gives a great interface ( command line ) to generate models connecting with data-sources.

@rsa you mean preferred fields?

and https://javacodegeeks.net