When I add $ionicHistory to my controller, the form in the view get deleted

Hi guys, I can’t understand why when I add $ionicHistory to my controller, the form in the view of that controller gets deleted. Any help?

This is my controller

.controller('ScaleNewCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $http, $ionicHistory ) {

 $scope.ruta= null;
 $scope.origen= null;
 $scope.destino= null;
 $scope.fecha_salida= null;
 $scope.fecha_llegada= null;
 $scope.tac_salida= null;
 $scope.tac_llegada= null;
 $scope.tiempo_total= null;
 $scope.combustible= null;
 $scope.fuel_bs= null;
 $scope.fuel_dls= null;
 $scope.tax_bs= null;
 $scope.tax_dls= null;
 $scope.observaciones= null; 

$scope.salvar = function () {


        var url = "http://localhost:3000/newscale";
        var numero = $rootScope.flightid;
        $http.post (url,{ruta: $scope.ruta,
                         origen: $scope.origen,
                         destino: $scope.destino,
                         fecha_salida: $scope.fecha_salida,
                         fecha_llegada: $scope.fecha_llegada,
                         tac_salida: $scope.tac_salida,
                         tac_llegada: $scope.tac_llegada,
                         tiempo_total: $scope.tiempo_total,   
                         combustible: $scope.combustible,
                         fuel_bs: $scope.fuel_bs,
                         fuel_dls: $scope.fuel_dls,
                         tax_bs: $scope.tax_bs,
                         tax_dls: $scope.tax_dls,
                         observaciones: $scope.observaciones,
                         flight_id: numero 

            .then(function(resp) {
            }, function(err) {
                console.error('ERR', err);
                // err.status will contain the status code
            alert('Escala Enviada');



        $scope.asignarRuta = function (v) {
            $scope.ruta = v;

        $scope.asignarOrigen = function (w) {
            $scope.origen = w;


        $scope.asignarDestino = function (x) {
            $scope.destino = x;

        $scope.asignarFechaSalida = function (j) {
            $scope.fecha_salida = j;

        $scope.asignarFechaLlegada = function (k) {
            $scope.fecha_llegada = k;

        $scope.asignarTacSalida = function (o) {
            $scope.tac_salida = o;

        $scope.asignarTacLlegada = function (z) {
            $scope.tac_llegada = z;

        $scope.asignarTiempoTotal = function (a) {
            $scope.tiempo_total = a;

        $scope.asignarCombustible = function (b) {
            $scope.combustible = b;

        $scope.asignarFuelBs = function (c) {
            $scope.fuel_bs = c;

        $scope.asignarFuelDls = function (d) {
            $scope.fuel_dls = d;

        $scope.asignarTaxBs = function (e) {
            $scope.tax_bs = e;

        $scope.asignarTaxDls = function (f) {
            $scope.tax_dls = f;

        $scope.asignarObservaciones = function (g) {
            $scope.observaciones = g;
