What port does Ionic use by default?

I am investigating about a CORS issue and printed window.location and got this object:

1. Location

  1. ancestorOrigins: DOMStringList {length: 0}
  2. assign: ƒ assign()
  3. hash: ""
  4. host: "localhost"
  5. hostname: "localhost"
  6. href: "http://localhost/"
  7. origin: "http://localhost"
  8. pathname: "/"
  9. port: ""
  10. protocol: "http:"
  11. reload: ƒ reload()
  12. replace: ƒ ()
  13. search: ""
  14. toString: ƒ toString()

    1. arguments: (...)
    2. caller: (...)
    3. length: 0
    4. name: "toString"
    5. __proto__: ƒ ()
    6. [[Scopes]]: Scopes[0]

  15. valueOf: ƒ valueOf()
  16. Symbol(Symbol.toPrimitive): undefined
  17. __proto__: Location

I assume the default port is 80 in cordova apps, right? Why is there nothing in the port field?