What is the equivalent file to Angular.json in ionic?

Hello everybody, I’m trying to use Angular DataTables in my project, I’m doing the steps of next link


First installed these packages

npm install jquery --save
npm install datatables.net --save
npm install datatables.net-dt --save
npm install angular-datatables --save
npm install @types/jquery --save-dev
npm install @types/datatables.net --save-dev

The seccond step is add the dependencies in the scripts and styles attributes in the file Angular.json but I don’t know wich is the equivalent file on ionic

It’s not going to be trivial, but you should look at the customization documentation for ionic-app-scripts. Also note that Ionic 3 is not compatible with Angular 6, so you are going to have to find a version of that datatables thing that can live with Angular 5.

Ionic 4 projects include an angular.json file by default (and Angular 6 is used), so depending on your position you might have an easier time moving to Ionic 4 than trying to get what you need to work in an Ionic 3 environment. Ionic 4 is still alpha, but the beta will be available very soon.


Thanks for the help, for the moment I will settle for some styles and functions that I do myself.

I will wait enthusiastically Ionic 4