Vue 3.2 breaks "value" property in <ion-input>, <ion-searchbar> in Ionic 5

We upgraded Vue from 3.0 to 3.2 to be able to use Pinia as a store manager on an existing Ionic 5 app.

By doing so, all value bindings on <ion-input> or <ion-searchbar do not work anymore. Setting the value does not do anything.

<ion-input value="my-value"><ion-input>
shows an empty input field with Vue 3.2.
Downgrading to Vue 3.0 fixes it, but then Pinia cannot be used.

Is there any workaround? Thank you

to set the value you I would recommend using v-model

<IonInput type="email" placeholder="Email" v-model="someValue"></IonInput>

in the script

const someValue = ref();

Not an option for our use case, anyway we fixed it by upgrading to the latest "@ionic/vue": "^5.9.4",