Virtual 5K app built with Ionic 2

Not sure where to post this, but I wanted to share an app I built for the Miami Children’s Hospital 5K event last week.

A YouFit sponsored app, we had 3 real runners in the race at different paces, walk, jog and run. These runners had cameras that live streamed the race through Ustream. In 3 YouFit locations the app streamed the pace to the treadmill runner according to the pace they chose. We placed TreadTrackers under the treadmill that sent running data to the app via bluetooth. All the runners could see other runners progress on the mini-map and leaderboard in the app. I used to push that data around. Anyway, if you have any questions or want to know more please ask. Thanks! - Don

Behind the scenes look.

Behind the scenes look. Below the walk pace setter.

Getting ready for the race. The runner and jogger pace setters.

The app icon


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