My list items increasing pragmatically but scroll bar takes time to re-size the page. Actually on the page i ahve option to get next 10 records so if user tap on that then those records binding with list successfully but scroll bar taking approx 300ms to 500ms time to re size the page.
I tested it on version beta 4 with emulators and android devices.
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Are you calling .resize
.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, $ionicScrollDelegate) {
$scope.toggleGroup = function (group) {
//get some data function
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As you add items to the list, you need to tell the scroller about the changes.
thank its working as charm… you guys are great and giving wonderful support …
My interest to work with ionic and angular is increasing day by day.
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Could this be used with an ng-hide?
I have bar that when clicked has an image dropdown but the scrolling for the page doesn’t work for a sec or two.
here is the code:
<a class="item no-left-right-border" ng-click="goMenu = !goMenu" >Show Menu</a>
<img ng-src="{{menu_url}}" width ="100%"class="img-responsive img-thumbnail" ng-hide="goMenu">