Vertical PANMOVE is not recognized

We try to do a DRAG & DROP behavior for what we registered PRESS and PANMOVE listener to HAMMER.JS, like this

this.hammer = new window['Hammer'](this.srcElement);
this.hammer.on('press', (ev) => {

this.hammer.on('panmove', (ev) => {

We register to PRESS event, because only after this we want ot enable DRAG & DROP behavior and set in this case DIRECTION_ALL to HTMLELEMENT
this.hammer.get('pan').set({ direction: window['Hammer'].DIRECTION_ALL });
This is working well on desktop browser but have some problems on mobile devices. The problems is there, if our first move is to the LEFT or to the RIGHT (horizontal) anything is working well and we can DRAG the ELEMENT all over the screen, but if our first move is UP or DOWN (vertical) the panmove event is not fired and the behavior is broken with blocked interface.

So it seems on mobile devices with production build changing on the fly the allowed DIRECTION and the PANMOVE are not working well, or as expected.

Do you have some idea, what could be the problem and what we could do?