Using URL's to navigate in Ionic 2

From developer’s point of view the current state of the art (stack for navigation, no explicit url’s) is uncomfortable for several reasons:

  • you cannot share link to some particular screen with your co-workers or paste it to issue tracker.
  • on code change, live-reload will throw you to the default starting page. If the page you currently develop is somewhere far away, is is annoying to click you way throught the app after every livereload.
  • you cannot easily run tests which should start on some particular screen

Also the stacked navigation may guide developers to create UX-unfriendly navigation in their apps.
Most mobile apps have tree-like navigation structure – i.e. there is a root page (e.g. Dashboard), a side menu, and you can dive to several master-detail pages, but typically you don’t dive more than 1 or 2 levels of depth (I would say developer should avoid more than 2 levels of depth of navigation, because the user will get lost).
Unfortunately stack navigation may suggest to (newbie) developers that navigation into depth is a good thing and instead of prefering tree-like navigation, developer will use stack to dive deeper and deeper.