Using <input type="range"> in ionic

I know I can use ion-range, but I want to be able to use a vertical range slider, so I am using the <input type="range">

However, when I run this code, i get the following error:
(index):1 Uncaught ReferenceError: redraw is not defined **
** oninput @ (index):1

This is in newDraw.html
<input type="range" min="1" value="150" id="dx" max="300" oninput="redraw()">

and this is newDraw.ts
public redraw() { this.dx = Number((<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById('dx')).value); this.dy = Number((<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById('dy')).value); console.log(this.dx); }

Hi garrettwesley,

You can use styles to rotate ion-range or any element you wish.
please see this and these links.

I hope this helps.