useIonViewWillLeave and useIonViewDidLeave not triggering

The hooks should be triggered if your routes are defined correctly-- I have an app with several hundred routes, including manually defined routes, dynamically defined routes, and nested routes, and I have not had trouble getting IonViewDidEnter/Leave to trigger.

Looking at your routes, one thing I would try is to disable your <Route path="/home"> route section and see if you can get the hooks to work.

The issue with the <Route path="/home"> section is that the home route is not wrapped in <IonRouterOutlet>, which is what is managing the transitions between IonPages.

So the structure should be something like:

                <Route path="/login" render={() => user ? <Redirect to="/home/pending-chats"/> : <Login/>} exact={true}/>
                <Route path="/pending-chats/:contactId" component={LinkChat} />
                <Route path="/conversations/:contactUserSwitchboardId" component={Chat} />
                <Route path="/contacts/:contactId" component={ContactDetails} />
                <Route path="/home" component={routerOutletHome} />

And then component routerOutletHome:

                        <Route path="/home/pending-chats" component={PendingChats} exact={true} />
                        <Route path="/home/conversations" component={Conversations} exact={true} />
                        <Route path="/home/contacts" component={Contacts} exact={true} />
                        <Route path="/home/configuration" component={Configuration} exact={true} />

Note that the nested router outlet is wrapped in <IonPage>. This is necessary to prevent the IonRouterOutlets from fighting each other.

Anyway, nested routes have several tricky points, so first I would remove the route nesting from your app and test the hooks that way.