I had been trying to install ionic in Ubuntu 14.04 for 2 days but couldn’t because of the following issue. I googled and referred stackoverflow and done the changes and changed file permissions but it didn’t worked. please help me.
I have installed SDK
These are the 3 lines that I added to .bashrc file
#Android PATHS
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/android-sdk/tools"
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/android-sdk/platform-tools"
I followed the steps described on http://ionicframework.com/docs/guide/installation.html
sudo ionic start todo blank
cd todo
chmod -R 777 .
sudo ionic platform add android
On adding the platform, I am getting the following error.
Failed to install 'com.ionic.keyboard':Error: /media/ordre/06C84B25C84B127B1/others/iapp/todo/platforms/android/cordova/version: Command failed with exit code EACCES
at ChildProcess.whenDone (/usr/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/cordova/superspawn.js:131:23)
at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:805:12)
Error: /media/ordre/06C84B25C84B127B1/others/iapp/todo/platforms/android/cordova/version: Command failed with exit code EACCES
at ChildProcess.whenDone (/usr/lib/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/cordova/superspawn.js:131:23)
please help me out.