You can get through this very easy! Let’s follow me right now
- Create a shortcut on your desktop
- Right-click on the shortcut and click Properties
- Edit the Target property
- Set it to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=“C:/ChromeDevSession”
- In VIsual Studio Code, run ionic serve -l
- You’re gonna see new tab open http://localhost:8100/ionic-lab. You should be aware that this link is opened in the normal chrome tab, not the “disable-web-security” chrome we have set up.
- Double click to the shortcut that we have set up to open the “disable-web-security” chrome tab. Then paste http://localhost:8100/ionic-lab into this tab.
So the reason that we get multiple errors when working with woo-commerce-api is this “web-security” by Google. Then you just disable it and you actually don’t need any CORS Extensions. So remove them right now if you have installed.
And this solution i write for people who learn this course This is an ionic e-commerce app that using woo-commerce-api to set and get data from Wordpress (local or live server). If you have trouble in other language not ionic, it still works fine.
Actually i have done a lot of searchings on Google to find this solution. I hope this helps all of you. Now, i need to go to bed because tomorrow i have a final report about this ionic project with my lecturer
See ya!
Quy Le