Unable to serve a multi-apps project

I have found a solution to be able to get 2 angular app in the same ionic project.

I modified the angular.json file for both of my apps.

under projects, I duplicate app and rename it app1. I currently have app, app1 and app-e2e in projects of angular.json. app and app1 are strictly similar except the name.

If I only rename app into app1, I got the exact same error which is weird.

[ng] Project 'app' could not be found in workspace.
[ng] Error: Project 'app' could not be found in workspace.

This modification allow me to run one of my project with the command ionic serve --project app1

But my original problem, which wasn’t specified in my original post, isn’t solved.

Is there a way to reuse components / pages / services of an Ionic 4 project in another Ionic 4 project ? With a hot reload when the “lib project” is modify.

I find a way to do it in Ionic 2:

And in Ionic 3 :

But I found no clue for Ionic 4.

Best regards.