I can’t seem to build my ionic project for the android platform. Everything works perfectly for IOS. I’ve reinstalled node, ionic, cordova several times, I’ve made sure I’m using the absolute most recent version of ANT and the adt-bundle, my build target is 18. I have spent hours and hours trying to figure this out without needing to post a question. I’ve looked for others with this issue as well.
Other things I’ve done, I’ve made sure my path was set correctly to see the tools and platform-tools directories. I’m almost tempted to just get the zipped copy of cordova and set it up using that route, but I don’t think I should have to do that, if its going to be as easy as the directions say.
As a sanity check, I’ve imported the android project created into ADT, where I’m clearly seeing the code issue. Others who don’t use Ionic, typically have some cordova jar file built and they use that to include with their Android code, but I think with Ionic, I should have a cordovaLib directory that has this jar file - this isn’t being created.
Weeks ago, I had no issues, so maybe something broke in a recent update with Cordova…
What can I do, have org.apache.cordova seen, so that my projects can be built?