Ui-sref to nested details page

Here is my problem.
I have two level of tabs:

.state('tab', {
    url: '/tab',
    abstract: true,
    templateUrl: 'templates/tabs.html'

.state('tab.profile', {
url: "/profile",  
views: {
    'tabprofile@tab': {
        templateUrl: "templates/tab-profile.html"

where tabs.html is:

    <ion-tabs class="tabs-dark tabs-bottom tabs-icon-only slide-right-left">
  <!-- Home Tab -->
  <ion-tab title="Dashboard" icon-off="ion-ios-home-outline" icon-on="ion-ios-home" ui-sref="tab.dash">
    <ion-nav-view name="tabdash"></ion-nav-view>
  <!-- Profilo Tab -->
  <ion-tab title="PROFILE" icon-off="ion-ios-person-outline" icon-on="ion-ios-person-outline" ui-sref="tab.profile.campionati">
    <ion-nav-view name="tabprofile" animation="slide-left-right"></ion-nav-view>


The views inside the tab PROFILE:

<ion-tabs class="tabs-striped tabs-secondary tabs-top tabs-background-dark tabs-color-light">
    <ion-tab title="PLAYERS" ui-sref="tab.profile.players">
            <ion-nav-view name="profile-page"></ion-nav-view>

Into profile-page can go three different views (list and two kind of details):

.state('tab.profile.players', {
        url: '/players',
        views: {
          'profile-page@tab.profile': {
            templateUrl: 'templates/profile/tab-players.html',
            controller: 'PlayersCtrl'
        .state('tab.profile.players-guest', {
          url: '/guest/:id',
          views: {
            'profile-page@tab.profile': {
              templateUrl: 'templates/calciatore/profile-guest.html',
              controller: 'PlayerProfileCtrl'
        .state('tab.profile.players-personal', {
          url: '/personal/:id',
          views: {
            'profile-page@tab.profile': {
              templateUrl: 'templates/calciatore/profile-personal.html',
              controller: 'PlayerProfileCtrl'

From outside page (outside from two level of tabs), I would like to insert an ui-sref to nested profile page, like this:

<button  class="button button-block button-royal button-rounded" ui-sref="tab.profile.players-guest({ id: 2})">

Why ui-router drive me to ‘tabdash’ tab page? (It’s the first tab of the upper level tabs)

Please help me.
Thanks so much

Maybe you have this:


and you’re moving to a wrong state