Twitter widget in Ionic app, in Cordova

I made this demo for showing a Twitter timeline/search with Application-only authentication

Hope it helps.

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I made a AngularJS wrapper library for the Twitter REST Api called ngTwitter. This library should help you to overcome your login/grabbing data problems with the Twitter Api as it comes down to just 2 function calls to grab your data.

You just need to have your Twitter App data and a valid OAuth token, then you can configure the library like this:

$twitterApi.configure(clientId, clientSecret, oauthToken);

Afterwards you can grab your user_timeline like this:

$twitterApi.getHomeTimeline({count: 5})

For more information check out the according tutorial How To Easily Use The Twitter REST Api With AngularJS

Excellent, thanks a lot for this!

Back to the same topic again.
This time the issue is specific to iOS devices. I am trying to embed tweets as described at .
Currently there already exists few discussions about it but none of them seem to be solved.

In my case, placeholder(iframes) for tweets are rendered but the tweet content is empty. I checked in the inspector and i could see that the request was successful and even could see the tweets content in response but they just don’t get rendered.

I really hope someone could help me with this.
Thanks in advance