Trying to automatically sign in using Parse

Let me test this, you are seeing this only on android or on iOS also

@carlosandrex that’s interesting, I wasn’t aware of that. After you log in, Parse stores a token (kind of) in your app’s Local Storage. Only when you explicitly log out is that token removed from local storage.

I wouldn’t have thought that just stopping/killing the app would remove the token from local storage, well that wouldn’t be the desired behavior.

@aaronksaunders I wondered recently if there would be a way to store the Parse token somewhere else than LocalStorage e.g. IndexedDB/WebSQL, SQLite, PouchDB ? Because what I’ve heard is that LocalStorage is not 100% reliable in all situations especially on iOS.

I suppose that if you know under what key the data is stored in LocalStorage then you can just retrieve it and re-store it in a data store that you prefer (PouchDB or whatever).