The value from routing won't apply to the next variable of new page

Hi I want to ask, so I have a problem, I want to pass value to the next page but it won’t work. In my scenario I have two page to the same destination (for example: first scenario : A → C, and the second scenario : A → B → C), for first scenario it can pass value and apply it to C page, but for the second scenario the value is already passed but it won’t apply to the variable on page C. I think routing code from source and destination is same. Here is the code… and debug screenshot on second scenario


Page A → page C

 gotoPerpanjanganStnk() {

this.router.navigate([‘perpanjangan-stnk’], {
state: {
flag: 0,
agreement: this.agreements

Page B → Page C

gotoPerpanjanganStnk() {
    this.router.navigate(['perpanjangan-stnk'], {
      state: {
        flag: 1,
        agreement: this.agreement

In page C

constructor(private router: Router, private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute,
              private questionService: QuestionService, private agreementService: AgreementApiService) {
    this.waiting = false;

    this.activatedRoute.queryParams.subscribe(() => {
      const extras = this.router.getCurrentNavigation().extras.state;

      if (!extras) {

      this.flag = extras.flag;
      this.agreements = extras.agreement;

      this.questionsAgreement = this.questionService.getAgreementForm(this.agreements, 0);
      // this.questionsAssetInfo = this.questionService.getAssetInfoForm(SharedVariables.agreement);
