Hey guys, I was started with Ionic few days ago. Before Ionic, I already have a Angular project created, which I want to migrate to Ionic frame work.
When I copied my client code into the www folder of Ionic, and inserted the ionic js bundle and cordova.js. I started build for ios platform. Then I emulate it in my IOS simulator. Unfortunately, the screen shows nothing, I used the safari inspector to check the page, and found the root document is file:/// which should be index.html in my other working Ionic project. I check the html and found nothing special. Anybody has an idea why the root document is changed to file:/// ?
Here is the safari inspector sreenshot:
Hmm that interesting, not sure what could be causing that issue.
Are you sure everything is setup right in your project? By that I mean did you copy everything to you root www folder?
hi, I am sure I copied everything into the www folder. Because I used python SimpleHTTPServer to verify it in my local browser, everything is working fine.
Hmm, not sure what could have happen.
I’d suggest starting a new project, sounds like something went corrupt in the cordova build process
I just did it, and the same issue happens, so it seems not a cordova build issue.
After several tries to quarantine part of the js code, I found that it was caused by two js files which are loaded in the index.html:
auth.service.js & user.service.js
They both come from the auth component of Angular Full stack(Generated by the yoeman generator)
Ahh alright, at least you have found the cause of the issue