I’ve been a native iOS designer/developer since 2011 but now need to look at launching an Android and iOS version of a new app. Obviously Ionic is on my list to have a look at but I’m curious what the philosophy is behind the design of the UI components because they seem to be very much based on iOS 7.
Going forward, is the Iconic philosophy that all apps should look like iOS 7 apps, or is there still a place for platform specific design?
The core dev team are strongly working on UI components that is native to specific platform. For example the http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/controller/ionicPopover/ [popovers] that has been introduced recently has individual styling both for IOS and Android.
Many such updates will follow as the team are working on it.
I can recommend a blog post that might interest you. It has been written by Ben, who is the lead UX and graphic designer at Ionic.
And no I don’t think Ionic has All apps should follow IOS7 philosophy.
Anyways have fun! Ionic rocks.
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Nice response @siddhartha
Indeed ionic does draw inspiration from iOS, but the point of the clean, flat minimal design is so that a dev and designer can make an app that fits their needs.
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Exist any example about the usage or implementation of this new feature ionicPopover, sounds really good.
Can you edit the title, it says iconics and not ionic.