The Leaflet / OpenStreetMap map is started outside the Map area / the map does not go to the desired screen

The Map (Leaflet / OpenStreetMap) problem

The map is started outside the Map area / the map does not go to the desired screen.

The map has been created with Leaflet / OpenStreetMap.

It is an Ionic app


If you can solve my problem, I’d love to hear it.

If you want to solve the problem against payment, no problem. follow the procedure below:

  1. send me an e-mail with your prize.

  2. If I agree, I order the work.

3.Change and / or enter the code so that the desired screen appears in the offline (outside the map area) situation. The GPS control when the device is in the map area works well.

  1. Create an apk of the code (Download, full code and folder, below).

After I have tested the app or it is working properly, the assignment has been completed.